4 Tips for Taking CBD Products to Reduce Travel Anxiety

Information about CBD’s remarkable benefits has launched this alternative medicine far into the mainstream. It’s especially popular among those who struggle with travel anxiety, naturally leading to the question of whether or not you’re allowed to travel with it. You can, though it can be a complicated affair. Here’s what you should know about taking CBD products to reduce travel anxiety.

Knowing When to Take CBD

If you know that you experience pre-flight anxiety, it’s recommended to start your first CBD dose three days before the flight so you can process your reaction with less stress.

You’ll also want to take your CBD product on the same day as the flight, about an hour before. This can relax your nerves through the stressful check-in process.

In the U.S., you’re allowed to fly with CBD products containing less than 0.3 percent THC, but the same liquid rules apply (under 3 ounces only). That means you’ll have options if you start to feel anxiety in the middle of a long flight or a few days into your travel.

Choosing the Right CBD for Travel

If you’re hoping for a slight euphoric effect to counteract your travel anxiety, full-spectrum CBD will be your friend. In most cases, the THC percentage is still under 0.3 percent, making it safe for travel within the states. It’s not enough to get someone “high,” but it nevertheless can lift your mood. However, if you have to take a drug test for any reason, avoid this option.

Broad-spectrum CBD gives you the same calming effect but not the slight euphoria. If you’re going to be somewhere where THC isn’t legal, this is the one to choose instead; it contains none.

Knowing Your CBD Dosage

Your CBD products will come with dosage instructions, so they’re your best bet for knowing how to set your dose. This is true no matter what form your CBD comes in.

If you’ve never taken CBD before and aren’t sure how it will affect you on the plane, consider a lower dose than the instructions suggest. It’s simple enough to take some more if you aren’t feeling anything after an hour or two, but approach it cautiously; people can react to CBD differently.

Know Your Destination’s Laws

Although the TSA allows flying with CBD products, the extent of that authority only goes as far as the American borders. If you’re traveling outside of the country, make sure you’re crystal clear about the laws surrounding CBD possession wherever you’re passing through and landing.

For example, some countries only allow pure CBD isolate, which doesn’t contain even trace amounts of THC. The consequences for breaking foreign laws can be dire, too; the safest bet is to leave it at home if you’re at all unsure.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, the best advice is always to do your research before traveling with CBD to ensure neither your destination nor any layover cities have laws against possession. It’s also crucial to know whether your products are pure CBD or otherwise contain THC. Be sure to speak with your doctor about the best CBD products for you and your travel anxiety.

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